


  • Leased and Managed Locations: includes lease or labor supply contracts signed with the private initiative for the operation of parking areas in the most diverse segments, such as: commercial buildings, malls, hospitals, educational institutions, land, etc.. general characteristics lower allocation of CAPEX and maturities of up to 5 years.
  • Long-Term Contracts: includes lease contracts or assignment of use signed with the private sector and which require investments in infrastructure and/or an initial grant. Parking operations stand out in the following segments: airports, shopping malls, arenas, etc. The contracts have as general characteristics a higher allocation of CAPEX and terms of 5 to 30 years.
  • On-Street Concessions: these are management contracts for rotating parking lots on public roads signed with municipal governments that grant the right to operate. The counterpart includes investments in parking meters, infrastructure, signaling, inspection technology and grants. The contracts have as general characteristics diversified CAPEX allocation and terms of 5 to 20 years.
  • Off-Street Concessions: encompasses contracts with the public administration, won through bidding processes and may have an infrastructure profile, demanding higher volumes of CAPEX. These are contracts that are located outside public roads, including mainly airports and underground garages. The contracts have terms between 5 and 20 years.
  • Properties: consist of real estate assets (garages or parking spaces) as an autonomous unit of the development in which it is located. Perpetual term.
  • Others: consists of ancillary revenues and indirect operating costs that are not specifically identifiable for a segment, ancillary revenues from digital products and services (AutoTech) such as insurance brokerage, IPVA installments, fines, licensing, broker services, TAG, among others.


  • Churn: indicator of loss of contracts, either on the Company’s initiative or on the initiative of third parties. It is calculated by the Contribution Margin LTM (last twelve months) of closed operations divided by the Total Contribution Margin LTM.
  • Duration: indicator that measures, in years, the average remaining term of contracts, weighted by the annualized results of these contracts.
  • Duration of Debt: indicator that measures, in years, the remaining weighted average maturity of financial debts.
  • TPV (Total Payment Value): indicates the total volume of payments transacted on digital platforms.
  • EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA: EBITDA is a non-accounting measurement prepared by the Company in accordance with Instruction of the Brazilian Securities Commission (“CVM”) No. 527, of October 4, 2012, and consists of net income (loss) adjusted by the net financial result, by the income tax and social contribution on profit and for depreciation and amortization costs and expenses. The EBITDA Margin consists of EBITDA divided by Net Revenue from services rendered. The adjustments made to EBITDA, as well as to the Company’s EBITDA margin, consider the exclusion of non-recurring effects evidenced in the previous sections and also exclude the effects of IFRS16 and IFRIC12.
  • FFO and Adjusted FFO: The FFO (Funds From Operations) is a non-accounting measurement disclosed by the Company, reconciled with its consolidated financial statements, and consists of the profit (loss) for the Company’s fiscal year, before deferred income tax and social contribution, of the FFO financial result ( with no cash effect) and depreciation and amortization (costs and expenses). The effects of IFRS16 and IFRIC12 are also adjusted. Represents the generation of own cash that can finance the Company’s activities.

Last update: January 31, 2025